folistatina 344 (1mg) is a meticulously synthesized variant of the naturally occurring follistatin, a potent protein known for its significant roles in muscle enhancement and regeneration. This product, available with complimentary 30 ml bacteriostatic water for qualifying orders exceeding $500 Dólar estadounidense, is specifically designed for research applications. It is excluded from capsule products, péptidos cosméticos, promotional codes, y envío.
folistatina 344 operates by intricately binding and neutralizing target proteins such as myostatin, activin, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Each of these proteins plays a critical role in regulating various physiological processes such as muscle growth, inflammatory responses, and fertility. Through its action, folistatina 344 is observed to promote an increase in muscle mass through mechanisms of hypertrophy and hyperplasia, diminish scar tissue formation, and effectively mitigate certain inflammatory responses.