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Melanotán 2 (MT2) 10 mg

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Agua bacteriostática

melanotan-2(MT-2) es un análogo sintético de la hormona estimulante de los melanocitos alfa. Desarrollado en la década de 1980, se ha demostrado que Melanotan-2 aumenta la excitación sexual, reduce el comportamiento compulsivo/adictivo, frena el hambre y aumenta la producción de melanina. Las investigaciones han demostrado que el péptido estimula los melanocitos, por lo que produce una mayor pigmentación de la piel y puede ayudar a combatir el autismo cuando se usa durante el desarrollo de la primera infancia.

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melanotan-2(MT-2) es un análogo sintético de la hormona estimulante de los melanocitos alfa. Desarrollado en la década de 1980, se ha demostrado que Melanotan-2 aumenta la excitación sexual, reduce el comportamiento compulsivo/adictivo, frena el hambre y aumenta la producción de melanina. Las investigaciones han demostrado que el péptido estimula los melanocitos, por lo que produce una mayor pigmentación de la piel y puede ayudar a combatir el autismo cuando se usa durante el desarrollo de la primera infancia.

Uso del producto:Este PRODUCTO ESTÁ DISEÑADO ÚNICAMENTE COMO SUSTANCIA QUÍMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN.Esta designación permite el uso de productos químicos de investigación estrictamente para pruebas in vitro y experimentación de laboratorio únicamente. Toda la información del producto disponible en este sitio web tiene fines educativos únicamente. La introducción corporal de cualquier tipo en personas o animales está estrictamente prohibida por la ley. Este producto sólo debe ser manipulado por profesionales calificados y con licencia. Este producto no es un medicamento, alimento o cosmético y no puede ser mal etiquetado, mal utilizado o etiquetado erróneamente como medicamento, alimento o cosmético.

¿Qué es Melanotan 2 (MT-2)?

Melanotan 2 (MT-2) es una versión sintética de la hormona estimulante de los melanocitos alfa humana (α-MSH). Fue desarrollado originalmente en la década de 1980, en la Universidad de Arizona, después de que se descubrió que la α-MSH causaba excitación sexual en roedores, así como oscurecimiento de la piel. Originalmente diseñado como una opción de bronceado sin sol, finalmente se descubrió que el MT-2 tiene una amplia gama de efectos tales como:

  • aumento de la excitación sexual,
  • promover el bronceado o la pigmentación de la piel,
  • reducir el comportamiento compulsivo,
  • controlar la adicción,
  • luchando contra el hambre,
  • reducir la producción de glucagón y
  • revertir las características del autismo.

Estructura del péptido Melanotan 2

Secuencia de péptidos:Nle-Asp(1)-Su-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Lys(1)
Fórmula molecular:C50H69N15O9
Peso molecular:1024,198 g/mol
CID de PubChem: 92432
Número CAS:121062-08-6

Estructura del péptido Melanotan 2Fuente:PubChem

Melanotan 2 Investigación

Melanotan 2 y señalización de melanocortina

Melanotan 2 produce sus efectos uniéndose a los receptores de melanocortina. Hay cinco receptores de melanocortina conocidos, cada uno con una función diferente. Se sabe que MT-2 se une principalmente a MC-4R y MC-1R, pero también se une débilmente a MC-3R.

  • MC-1R: Se encuentra en los melanocitos y la estimulación de MC-1R provoca el oscurecimiento de la piel y el cabello.
  • MC-2R: Se encuentra en las glándulas suprarrenales y la unión de MC-2R promueve la secreción de hormonas suprarrenales, como el cortisol.
  • MC-3R: MC-3R participa en el control del apetito y la regulación de la energía, pero se sabe poco más sobre este receptor.
  • MC-4R: La estimulación de MC-4R provoca cambios en la alimentación y el comportamiento sexual. También afecta la función eréctil masculina y la homeostasis energética.
  • MC-5R: MC-5R se expresa en las glándulas sudoríparas y las células de los islotes pancreáticos.

Melanotan 2 y el autismo

El hallazgo de la investigación más reciente sobre MT-2 indica que el péptido puede revertir ciertas características autistas en un modelo de ratón de uso común del trastorno del espectro autista (TEA). No existe tratamiento para esta afección, pero investigaciones recientes han indicado que la terapia con oxitocina puede ser útil para mitigar algunos de los problemas de conducta asociados con el TEA. Utilizando un modelo de ratón de activación inmune materna que se sabe que conduce al autismo, los investigadores investigaron si MT2, que se sabe que estimula la liberación de oxitocina, podría contrarrestar el TEA o reducir los comportamientos comunes del TEA. Su investigación reveló que la administración de MT-2 revierte la disminución de la comunicación, la interacción social deteriorada y los comportamientos repetitivos asociados con el autismo en este modelo en particular. De hecho, los investigadores encontraron que la administración de MT-2 aumentaba la expresión de los receptores de oxitocina en partes específicas del cerebro, lo que sugiere una correlación directa entre la señalización de oxitocina en esas áreas y los comportamientos específicos del TEA.[1].

Impact of MT-2 on sociability in rats with ASD (MIA) showing that MT-2 returns sociability ratings to near the baseline of control animals (C57).
Source: PubMed

These findings not only suggest potential avenues for developing a treatment for ASD, they have helped to define a specific brain pathway that may be integral to the development of ASD in the first place. These findings could help scientists develop a complete model of ASD and thus both treatments and preventative measures.

Melanotan 2 and Hunger

There is good evidence to suggest that MT-2 can reduce fat storage and hunger behavior in animal models. Researchers have found that the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC-4R) plays a role in food preferences and intake and that MT-2 is a potent agonist of MC-4R. Administration of MT-2 to mice causes significant reductions in how much food they consume, but also changes their preference for fatty foods. Mice given MT-2 ignore fatty foods, which they would otherwise prefer. Similarly, mice devoid of the MC-4R receptor consume fatty foods almost exclusively and are immune to the effects of MT-2[2].

The effects of MT-2 are similar to those of the hormone leptin, sometimes called the satiety hormone because it reduces cravings and food intake. Leptin, however, has never been useful in the treatment of obesity, even in individuals who are leptin deficient. This is likely because there are two pathways for satiety, called leptin-dependent and leptin-independent pathways. Research suggests MT-2 is more effective in stimulating both pathways and thus may be a more effective exogenous treatment for reducing hunger[3], [4]. This latter finding has been bolstered by the discovery that thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) gene expression, which has long been known to play a role in the leptin-satiety pathway, is also affected by MC-4R stimulation[5]. Both MT-2 and leptin are thought to cause an increase in TRH expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, a region of the brain associated with satiety and food intake, but only MT-2 crosses into the central nervous system in concentrations high enough to have an effect on TRH expression.

Melanotan 2 and Diabetes

The pathogenesis of diabetes is defined by high blood sugar levels, hypersecretion of glucagon, and the production of ketone bodies[6]. It has been known for some time that leptin counteracts these factors by increasing the uptake of glucose, suppressing glucagon production, and interfering with the pathway that leads to ketone body formation. These actions do not depend on insulin and thus leptin signaling is being actively investigated as an alternative means by which diabetes might be treated.

Research has revealed that leptin’s effects on blood sugar are regulated through melanocortin receptors and that MT-2 produces similar effects[7]. This is significant because leptin has its primary effects in the brain but does not cross the blood-brain barrier as readily as MT-2. Thus, exogenously administered leptin does not reach the CNS in substantial quantities, a fact that reduces its effectiveness as a drug and hands an advantage to MT-2 even though the effects of the two peptides on melanocortin receptors are nearly identical.

Melanotan 2, Impulse Control and Alcohol Intake

In keeping with the idea that MT-2 may affect oxytocin signaling and thus behavior in ASD, research also reveals that the MC-4R receptor may play a role in impulse control. Past studies in rats have shown that administration of MT-2 reduces alcohol intake and increases water intake even in rats that prefer alcohol[8]. More recently, research has revealed that melanotan-2 works synergistically (boosting efficacy more than seven-fold) with naltrexone to blunt binge-like ethanol intake in mice[9].

Percent of baseline alcohol consumption in mice treated with naltrexone or naltrexone and MT-2.
Source: PubMed

These findings suggest that MT-2 might not only be an effective treatment in alcohol-related disorders, but that the peptide is tapping into a more fundamental process of craving and desire in the mammalian brain. This research may open up pathways to a deeper understanding not just of alcohol abuse and hunger, but the role of oxytocin in impulsive behavior. It may even help researchers identify craving pathways and advance our understanding of human motivation in aspects of life ranging from work to relationships.

Melanotan 2 and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often attributed to vascular issues and can be effectively treated in a majority of men via sildenafil (Viagra) and other drugs that improve blood flow by reducing vascular resistance. Not all ED is due to vascular issues, however, and so sildenafil and similar drugs are ineffective in a small percentage of men and in the vast majority of women who suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder. It has long been known that MT-2 is an effective treatment for ED, but research suggests that it may have more wide-ranging application than drugs like sildenafil due to its actions in the central nervous system. In a study of men who had failed treatment with Viagra, eighty percent responded to MT-2 treatment[10]. MT-2 has been actively investigated in the past as a treatment for both male and female sexual desire disorders.

Future MT-2 Research

MT-2 is a heavily researched peptide, particularly regarding human behavior, sexual desire, and impulse control. The peptide, in various forms, has been investigated in clinical trials, though problems with routes of administration have forced scientists back to the drawing board. There is active and ongoing research into the benefits of this particular peptide.

MT-2 exhibits minimal to moderate side effects, low oral and excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. Per kg dosage in mice does not scale to humans. MT-2 for sale at

Peptide Gurus is limited to educational and scientific research only, not for human consumption. Only buy MT-2 if you are a licensed researcher.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.

Scientific Journal Author

Dr. Wessells is a UW professor, chair of the Department of Urology, and has served on several national and international professional and government committees, including the WHO International Consultations on Erectile and Sexual Dsyfunction, an NIDDK working group on urological complications of diabetes, and a NIH symposium on diabetes. He is a surgeon, researcher and expert on urogenital trauma and erectile dysfunction. His clinical interests include reconstructive surgery of the genitourinary tract, acute injury management and complex surgery for male sexual dysfunction.  His research interests are in urogenital trauma epidemiology and management; the physiology and pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction; reconstructive surgery; crash injury mechanics; and urological complications of diabetes. A proerectile melanocortin agonist developed by Dr. Wessells and his collaborators at the University of Arizona is in clinical trials for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Wessells is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in the research and development of Melanotan 2. In no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing or advocating the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. There is no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, between

Peptide Gurus and this doctor. The purpose of citing the doctor is to acknowledge, recognize, and credit the exhaustive research and development efforts conducted by the scientists studying this peptide. Dr. Wessells is listed in [11] and [12] under the referenced citations.

Referenced Citations

  1. E. Minakova et al., “Melanotan-II reverses autistic features in a maternal immune activation mouse model of autism,” PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2019.
  2. A. van der Klaauw et al., “Role of melanocortin signalling in the preference for dietary macronutrients in human beings,” Lancet Lond. Engl., vol. 385 Suppl 1, p. S12, Feb. 2015.
  3. H. Shimizu, K. Inoue, and M. Mori, “The leptin-dependent and -independent melanocortin signaling system: regulation of feeding and energy expenditure,” J. Endocrinol., vol. 193, no. 1, pp. 1–9, Apr. 2007.
  4. C. Bjørbaek and A. N. Hollenberg, “Leptin and melanocortin signaling in the hypothalamus,” Vitam. Horm., vol. 65, pp. 281–311, 2002.
  5. F. Guo, K. Bakal, Y. Minokoshi, and A. N. Hollenberg, “Leptin Signaling Targets the Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Gene Promoter in Vivo,” Endocrinology, vol. 145, no. 5, pp. 2221–2227, May 2004.
  6. Y. H. Lee, M.-Y. Wang, X.-X. Yu, and R. H. Unger, “Glucagon is the key factor in the development of diabetes,” Diabetologia, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 1372–1375, 2016.
  7. C. Toda et al., “Distinct effects of leptin and a melanocortin receptor agonist injected into medial hypothalamic nuclei on glucose uptake in peripheral tissues,” Diabetes, vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 2757–2765, Dec. 2009.
  8. D. A. York, S. Boghossian, and M. Park-York, “Melanocortin activity in the amygdala influences alcohol intake,” Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 112–119, Mar. 2011.
  9. M. Navarro, F. Carvajal, J. M. Lerma-Cabrera, I. Cubero, M. J. Picker, and T. E. Thiele, “Evidence that Melanocortin Receptor Agonist Melanotan-II Synergistically Augments the Ability of Naltrexone to Blunt Binge-Like Ethanol Intake in Male C57BL/6J Mice,” Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1425–1433, Aug. 2015.
  10. “Synthetic melanotropic peptide initiates erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: double-blind, placebo controlled crossover study. – PubMed – NCBI.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-May-2019]..
  11. WESSELLS, H. , HRUBY, V. J., HACKETT, J. , HAN, G. , BALSE‐SRINIVASAN, P. and VANDERAH, T. W. (2003), MT‐II Induces Penile Erection via Brain and Spinal Mechanisms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 994: 90-95.
  12. Wessells, H. (1998). Synthetic melanotropic peptide initiates erections in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: Doubleblind placebo controlled crossover study. Nature.com. Available at:
  13. M. T. Islam et al., “Vasopressin neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus promote wakefulness via lateral hypothalamic orexin neurons,” Curr. Biol. CB, pp. S0960-9822(22)01121–6, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.07.020.
  14. J. K. Y. Lau et al., “Melanocortin receptor activation alleviates amyloid pathology and glial reactivity in an Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse model,” Sci. Rep., vol. 11, no. 1, p. 4359, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-83932-4. 


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