ТБ-500(Тимозин Бета-4) представляет собой пептидную последовательность из 43 аминокислот. На животных моделях было показано, что тимозин бета-4 улучшает рост кровеносных сосудов, регулирует заживление ран, уменьшает воспаление и уменьшает окислительные повреждения в сердце и центральной нервной системе. Тимозин-бета-4 играет роль в защите, восстановлении тканей, регенерации и ремоделировании поврежденных или поврежденных тканей. Он также представляет активный интерес к исследованиям в области борьбы со старением.
Бесплатно (1) 30 мл бактериостатической воды
с квалифицированными заказами более500 долларов США.
(без учета капсульной продукции, косметических пептидов, промокодов и доставки)
ТБ-500(Тимозин Бета-4) представляет собой пептидную последовательность из 43 аминокислот. На животных моделях было показано, что тимозин бета-4 улучшает рост кровеносных сосудов, регулирует заживление ран, уменьшает воспаление и уменьшает окислительные повреждения в сердце и центральной нервной системе. Тимозин-бета-4 играет роль в защите, восстановлении тканей, регенерации и ремоделировании поврежденных или поврежденных тканей. Он также представляет активный интерес к исследованиям в области борьбы со старением.
Использование продукта:Этот ПРОДУКТ ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕН ТОЛЬКО КАК ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ХИМИКАТ.Это обозначение позволяет использовать исследовательские химикаты исключительно для испытаний in vitro и лабораторных экспериментов. Вся информация о продуктах, доступная на этом сайте, предназначена только для образовательных целей. Любое телесное введение людям или животным строго запрещено законом. С этим продуктом должны работать только лицензированные и квалифицированные специалисты. Этот продукт не является лекарством, продуктом питания или косметическим средством, и его нельзя маркировать, использовать или маркировать как лекарство, продукт питания или косметику.
TB-500 представляет собой синтетический аналог тимозина бета-4 (TB-4), состоящий из 43 аминокислот, который в природе встречается почти во всех клетках млекопитающих. TB-500 известен своим влиянием на белок актин, миграцию клеток и заживление ран. На моделях животных и в исследованиях in vitro было показано, что TB-500 улучшает рост кровеносных сосудов, ускоряет заживление ран, уменьшает воспаление и способствует выработке внеклеточного матрикса. В настоящее время пептид исследуется на предмет его способности снижать окислительный стресс при травмах спинного мозга, улучшать восстановление после сердечного приступа, а также на предмет его многочисленных антивозрастных эффектов.
TB-500 представляет собой активный домен TB-4, который играет основную роль актин-связывающего белка. Актин является важнейшим компонентом клеточной структуры и образует микрофиламенты. Микрофиламенты отвечают за придание клеткам их формы, защиту целостности клеточных мембран, обеспечение возможности перемещения/миграции клеток и определенные этапы клеточного размножения. Актин также является одним из основных компонентов мышечного белка. Без актина мышцы не могли бы сокращаться. Актин-связывающие белки, такие как TB-4, изолируют мономеры актина, отдельные единицы актина, так что они защищены от деградации и доступны для полимеризации в микрофиламенты, когда это необходимо.
Последовательность:Ac-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro-Asp-Met-Ala-Glu-Ile-Glu-Lys-Phe-Asp-Lys-Ser-Lys-Leu-Lys-Lys-Thr-Glu- Thr-Gln-Glu-Lys-Asn-Pro-Leu-Pro-Ser-Lys-Glu-Thr-Ile-Glu-Glu-Glu-Lys-Gln-Ala-Gly-Glu-Ser
Молекулярная формула:С212ЧАС350Н56О78С
Молярная масса:4963.4408
Номер КАС:77591-33-4
ПабХим:Идентификатор идентификатора 16132341
Исследования на крысах показали, что TB-500 способствует восстановлению и ремоделированию тканей центральной и периферической нервной системы после травм. Хотя точный механизм еще не выяснен, исследования показывают, что TB-500 активирует клетки, поддерживающие нейроны. Эти клетки, называемые олигодендроцитами, поддерживают здоровье нейронов.[1]. Boosting their activity actually improves blood vessel and neuron growth in brain regions that have been damaged, a significant laboratory result that is reflected in clinically significant improvements in behavior, motor control, and cognitive measurements[2].
Recent research shows that TB-500 can reduce oxidative stress following spinal cord injury and help transplanted neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) to survive long enough to enhance spinal regeneration[3]. These findings could make TB-500 and other TB-4 derivatives of great use in treating severe spinal cord injury. TB-550 may offer critical insight into spinal recovery that allows paralyzed individuals to regain use of affected body regions.
TB-500 and TB-4 are potent stimulators of VEGF expression. VEGF is an important signaling molecule in the growth of capillaries (small blood vessels), which are critical to everything from wound healing to hair growth[4]. It is thought that the role of TB-500 is more complicated than this, however. Scientists speculate that the peptide likely underpins a number of steps in the process of blood vessel growth include extracellular matrix remodeling, vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and the transition of more primitive mesenchymal tissue to the specialized endothelial tissue that lines blood vessels. This speculation is valid because loss of TB-4 has been shown to interfere with blood vessel growth and stability while exogenous administration improves capillary formation and the recruitment of pericytes following injury[4].
The discovery that TB-500 improves hair growth happened by accident. When mice that were genetically deficient in TB-4 were shaved for laboratory experiments, it was observed that their hair grew back much slower than wild-type mice. When these same scientists investigated hair growth in mice that were genetically modified to produce increased levels of TB-4, they found that their hair grew back much faster than normal. Under the microscope, these mice show increased numbers of hair shafts and grouped hair follicles[5].
Multi-drug resistance is becoming increasingly common in a number of infections, rendering current therapy ineffective. Unfortunately, there are very few new antibiotics in the pipeline and the process of drug development can take upwards of twenty years on average. A recent study on the effects of TB-4 and its adjuvants, however, provides some hope. Studies of mice suffering from a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection of the eye have found that TB-4 combined with ciprofloxacin, a standard antibiotic for treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa, increases the effects of the antibiotic, improves healing, reduces inflammation, and promotes faster recovery. The results of just five days of combined therapy showed decreased numbers of colony forming units (CFUs), decreased neutrophil (a type of white blood cell) count, and decreased levels of inflammatory reactive oxygen species[6]. This is the first study to demonstrate that TB-500 and similar peptides might be used to promote and enhance the effects of antibiotics.
Two decades of research have shown that TB-4 and its derivatives have a number of beneficial effects in the cardiovascular and renal systems. The exact mechanisms of these positive contributions are not clearly understood, however. Research suggests that the benefits are actually due to several mechanisms. First, TB-500 promotes the growth of collateral blood vessels, which is useful both as a preventative and in restoring function following disease. Second, TB-500 encourage endothelial cell migration and myocycte survival following a heart attack. Finally, it appears that TB-500 works in concert with other natural signaling molecules to reduce inflammation and reduce fibrosis (scar formation)[7].
Recently, research into hydrogels containing a combination of collagen and TB-4 has shown the peptide promotes angiogenesis and epicardial heart cell migration, thus boosting rates of recovering following ischemia and helping to prevent long-term complications by reducing scarring[8].
Progress in finding a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and prion disease has been slow at best. A recent study into the effects of TB-4 on the ability of the immune system to deal with prion protein has shown that the peptide enhances autophagy[9]. Autophagy is the central nervous system’s primary protective mechanism against neurodegenerative diseases. The ability of TB-4 to enhance this natural immunity is the first progression toward real treatment of these debilitating diseases in a long time.
TB-500 due to its fundamental role in cell structure and function can affect a number of different body tissues. This has resulted in a wide and varied field of research into the effects of this peptide. From treating heart and neurological disease to enhancing the effects of antibiotics, TB-500 is one of the hottest peptides in research today and will likely remain one of the most heavily investigated peptides for the foreseeable future.
TB-500 exhibits minimal side effects, low oral and excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. Per kg dosage in mice does not scale to humans. TB-500 for sale at
The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.
Allan L. Goldstein, MD, Allan L. Goldstein is professor and Catharine B. & William McCormick Chair of the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, where he has served since 1978. Thymosins were discovered in the mid 1960’s, when Allan Goldstein from the Laboratory of Abraham White at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York studied the role of the thymus in development of the vertebrate immune system. He is a world-renowned authority on the thymus gland and the workings of the immune system, and co-discoverer of the thymosins. Dr. Goldstein is the author of over 400 scientific articles in professional journals, the inventor on more than 15 U.S. Patents, and the editor of several books in the fields of biochemistry, biomedicine, immunology and neuro-science. He is on the editorial boards of numerous scientific and medical journals and has been a consultant to many re-search organizations in industry and government; co-founder of The Institute for Advanced Studies in Aging and Geriatric Medicine, a non-profit research and educational institute; a member of the Board of Trustees of the Albert Sabin Vaccine Institute; and serves as the Chairman of the Board of RegeneRx Biopharmaceuticals. Dr. Goldstein received his B.S. from Wagner College in 1959 and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 1964. He served as a faculty member of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine from 1964 to 1972, and moved to the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston in 1972 as professor and director of the division of Biochemistry.
Allan L. Goldstein, MD is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in the research and development of TB-500 and other Thymosins. In no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing or advocating the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. There is no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, between
The products offered on this website are furnished for in-vitro studies only. In-vitro studies (Latin: in glass) are performed outside of the body. These products are not medicines or drugs and have not been approved by the FDA to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition, ailment or disease. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law.
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